Sweating is a completely natural bodily function. In this way, the body balances its body temperature and keeps it in the healthy range. At the same time, sweating serves to cool the skin and body. The amount of sweat produced varies from person to person. Excessive sweating can occur either all over the body or locally, such as on the hands or feet.
Humans have a large number of sweat glands, especially on their forehead and feet. Nowadays, our feet are mostly in socks and shoes, so that the exchange of heat and moisture is often hampered. Anyone who then also suffers from excessive sweat production has several problems at once: The permanent moisture causes the skin to swell and becomes susceptible to germs and fungi. As soon as bacteria decompose the fresh, odorless sweat, unpleasantly smelling feet develop. Socks and shoes get damp and gradually ruin the footwear. This can even go so far that sweaty feet can be very stressful for people and even become a "love killer".
Reasons for heavy sweating on the feet
Excessive sweating on the feet can have very different reasons. Socks or shoes made of artificial material can impede the moisture balance, so that not enough air gets to the skin. You should therefore always wear socks made of pure cotton and shoes made of materials that can quickly transport moisture to the outside.
Appropriate foot care and hygiene is essential
Everyone wants to avoid unpleasant odors. With the right foot care, this can also be limited or prevented. Daily washing or a warm foot bath have a relaxing effect and at the same time clean the feet thoroughly. The feet should then be dried thoroughly. The Odaban foot and shoe powder is also sprinkled into the shoes to do something about foot and shoe odor in the long term and permanently. The Odaban foot and shoe powder works with the natural power of the kawa kawa plant and stops annoying odors on feet and in shoes. The powder is sprinkled into the shoes to do something about foot and shoe odor in the long term and permanently. In order to achieve long-term protection of up to 6 months, it is necessary to use the product consistently for 7-10 days. The Odaban foot and shoe powder also has an antibacterial and anti-fungal effect.